Monday, September 17, 2012

Rough times

I interviewed a candidate, asking this question: Review your previous jobs, highlighting main responsibilities in each.

She had listed a number of jobs on the resume. Unfortunately, she didn't really remember her own job history. (bad sign)

She started off describing her first job 20+ years ago, listing her duties. (okay, so far, so good)

But then, she started wandering around, trying to remember where she worked and when. She described no duties. I know when she got divorced - it was a rough year. And, she went on to describe a number of rough times. Lots of gossip, too.

I have no idea what she did through the course of her career. But, I know she went through some rough times.

Bottom line - know your own job history. 

You should be able to highlight a few key duties that showcase your abilities and make the interviewer think "I want to hire this person."

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