Sunday, September 2, 2012

A series of Don'ts

Writing a resume is like losing weight. The keys to losing weight are diet and exercise. There really aren't any shortcuts. You just have to do it.

There are many books and articles offering advice on resumes. Yet, when I review them, I am amazed at the types of mistakes commonly made...despite ALL the advice.

For example, SPELL CHECK. It's not an option. And, even with spell check, you really need to review the resume and cover letter (or have someone else do it) to check the spelling. 

Spelling errors = lack of attention to detail. This is a bad omen for a potential employer.

Another DON'T regards references.
If the posting asks for references, provide them. 
You need three (for some high end positions, more may be standard), but generally, three is fine. 

Here are some tips (all taken from real life examples I've seen):
1. First, check with your references to ensure they are able to provide you a positive reference. 
I always check references. And, I use a series of questions I've honed over the years. 
Once, when checking a reference, the response was:
She listed me as a reference? Really? I'm not sure why. I didn't even know she was looking for a job. RED FLAG

2. Do not list your girl friend's sister. 
Do not list your best friend.
One question I ask: How do you know the candidate?
Think about it. Do you want the reference to answer: He's dating my sister?
Not Good.

3. Do not provide 17 letters of recommendation, including one from your ex-wife. Yes, that's right. I received a resume with 17 letters. 17. Unbelievable. Plus, one of them included a glowing testimonial from the ex-wife. Trust me, it did not impress me to read what a wonderful husband and father you are.

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